Thursday, May 9, 2013

Shelburne Pond

Shelburne Pond was  the first time in years I had stood on a frozen body of water. To step out on to the vast expanse of an open lake, buried under sheets of ice, is an experience everyone should have at least once in their lives. You feel like you have magical powers that allow you to walk on water. The darkest parts of the lake, the thick, clear ice that shone through to the black water beneath was my favorite. 

We had poor light today. Overcast that muddled the sun's weak winter light. For only a brief moment did we have sunlight; long enough to capture rays through the ice trenches that formed around the edges of the lake. 

The highlight of the day, however, was when we made our way back to the safety and warmth of our cars. I opted to walk the lake, skidding across the ice with a fellow classmate while the rest of the class took the wooded trail. We made it about halfway back, joking about slipping and falling, when I took a fateful step that sent me careening forward on my knees, toppling my over to my side when I lost momentum. Maybe there's a reason most people don't want to wander out onto the frozen lakes.

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