Thursday, May 9, 2013

River Marsh

Our trip to the River Marsh was shorter for me. I rode in with a girl who had to leave early, but I left all of my stuff in her car without thinking. When she had to leave, I was ok with it, because honestly I was freezing and I had a paper to do myself. The day was nice though, we started it out by seeing evidence of wildlife in the woods, an ACME rocket to be exact. Must be coyotes around.

The rest of the day was like any hike in the woods. We came upon a "picture box", at least I think that's what they are called. Hikers carry a book with a stamp, and at each new place they travel, they stamp their book with the stamp from the box, and use their own stamp to make a mark in the book left in the box. It's a pretty cool concept if you ask me. We then got to take some pictures of the ice melting on the marsh, and I thought I got a few good shots of the water reflecting the sky. Unfortunately I had to leave early, but we made sure to stop at the end of the point to get some shots of the lake. I of course, was distracted by the birds flying around our heads, and spent most of this time with my camera lens in the sky, frantically snapping pictures into the sun, hoping to capture the birds in at least one frame.

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